NVOCC vs Freight Forwarder: Two Reliable Solutions

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nvocc vs freight forwarder
International shipping has two well known intermediaries that facilitate shipments overseas. They are known as NVOCCs and freight forwarders. The article below discusses the similarities and differences.
By  USA Freight Forwarding Services
Published Date:October 4, 2022

NVOCC vs Freight Forwarder is a question that often arises in international shipping. Several questions are generally asked, which surround what they are, how they operate, their primary functions, and how they will benefit an importer or exporter.

NCOCCs and Freight Forwarders are intermediaries in international shipping. NVOCCs are licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) to facilitate the arrangement and leasing of space aboard ocean vessels. While freight forwarders arrange and manage transportation services from the point of origin to the destination.

Find out more about these two solutions and how they can impact your business of importing goods into the United States.

What is a NVOCC?

containers being loaded at a port

Non-vessel operating common carriers, or NVOCCs, are ocean transport intermediaries (OTI) in ocean freight transportation. These intermediaries do not operate or own transport vessels of any kind. Instead, they work with shipping lines across the globe to arrange cargo space for importers and exporters.

These intermediaries select a vessel operating ocean carrier (VOCC) based on the importer’s needs or export. 

Space is purchased according to:

  • Availability 
  • Desired shipping lane
  • Space/volume needs 

Once arrangements are made with the VOCC, the NVOCC sets the desired rate for service and sells that space contractually to the shipper. It is important to note that the shipper can be an importer, exporter, customs agent, or even working with a freight forwarder.

Commonly, the ones who work with an NVOCC are importers and exporters. Although transport services are contracted to the shipping line, the NVOCC reserves full responsibility for your cargo aboard the VOCCs ship during the voyage across the sea.

NVOCC Functions

The primary function of an NVOCC is securing transport space on board a VOCC for clients worldwide, as mentioned in the earlier section. The NVOCC issues its bill of lading, often referred to as the House Bill of Lading.

The bill of lading is issued as a result of licensing, which is given by the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC). Similar to ocean freight forwarders (OFF), licensing must be established through the FMC to conduct maritime transportation legally.

NVOCCs offer other functions and services but depend on the company’s abilities. Below is a list of various functions and features that might be provided.

  • Limited Consulting Service: They can offer some guidance for shippers regarding international or federal regulations and best practices for clearing goods through customs.
  • Container Maintenance Services:  Some can offer maintenance services for traditional freight containers. These services include container repair and cleaning.
  • Consolidation Services: This service will combine smaller shipments that are leaving from the same origin point and also share the same destination. This consolidation is achieved through less than container load (LCL) shipping.
  • Deconsolidation Services: Similar to consolidation services for shipping containers, the process is reversed to break down cargo for shipping.

Again, it is very important to note that these alternative functions are not always available when dealing with this OTI. They’re nice, but don’t count on them being available through all intermediaries.

It is also essential to note that all NVOCCs follow 46 CFR § 520.3, establishing the publication of tariffs. This publication outlines any charges, classifications, practices, and rules of the carrier, including their rates.

NVOCC Benefits

There are several associated benefits when working with an OTI such as this one. There is a distinct advantage for certain businesses, especially small ones in the shipping industry, who require expert advice or assistance on a more personal level.

When small businesses engage in a shipping line, there is zero flexibility or room to negotiate.  These businesses benefit from an OTI, which does have the ability to negotiate on behalf of its clients.

Other common benefits include:

  1. Vast Interconnected Network: Their network of carriers through vessels, trucking, port of loading or port of discharge, and more remains a crucial benefit for customers.
  1. House Bill of Lading: The bill of lading is issued by the NVOCC, making the documentation process less stressful with fewer hoops to jump through.
  1. Improved Rates:  Regardless of load size, they have the network and negotiating power to attain a better rate than your efforts could when dealing with shipping lines.
  1. Flexible Capacity: Their expanded capacity of partnerships and suppliers means there is a greater chance of finding both a container and available space aboard an ocean vessel at a competitive rate.
  1. Customer Service: The customer service experience when dealing with an OTI is vastly different than directly dealing with a shipping line, as noted above. The interpersonal business relationships fostered have a broader value than dealing with a larger organization.

The outlined benefits help paint a clear picture of exactly why using an NVOCC operator has its benefits. This intermediary has the advantage of vast partnered networks, headache-free documentation, better shipping rates, larger capacities, and more personalized customer service.

What is a Freight Forwarder?

ocean vessel at sea

Like NVOCCs, a freight forwarder is an intermediary between importers, exporters, and carriers. Their role, functions, and responsibilities are far more detailed and wide-reaching than other OTIs.

Freight forwarders assume general responsibility for your shipments from the initial loading of goods to their eventual unloading once they arrive domestically. This concept of ownership regarding responsibility is critically important to a freight forwarder.

The table below shows how massive the global freight industry is in revenue growth. Estimated predictions of the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)  increasing by over three percent over the next few years, showing the demand for freight forwarding services.

Global Freight Forwarding Market Growth

Market Revenue 2021-2022CAGR 3.3% Increase 2021-2028
$186 Billion$192.14 Billion
Source: prnewswire.com

They quite literally manage, facilitate, and overcome any logistical challenges. Their industry knowledge and ability to execute make them supply chain experts. Freight forwarders leverage their industry experience, knowledge, and network through meticulous planning.

These shipping pros are the complete solution for allocating modes of transportation and facilitating the movement of goods from start to finish. A complete transportation solution is where they differ from OTIs like NVOCCs.

Read our article on how to choose a freight forwarder to find one that’s right for you.

Freight Forwarder Functions

Essentially, freight forwarders handle everything, giving you, the shipper, the ease and peace of mind to focus on other things. These masters of transportation allocation and facilitation handle the following.

  • Manage and review any documentation associated with your shipment.
  • Arrangement and management of cargo shipping and storage through warehousing.
  • The booking and negotiation of rates for the transportation of goods.
  • Transparency and complete real-time visibility of transit.
  • The procurement of cargo insurance to cover your shipment in the event of a loss.
  • Manage freight consolidation efforts, including risk assessment for transported goods.
  • Customs clearance procedures along with paying any duties or fees associated.

It is essential to understand that freight forwarders are more of a hands-on middleman. Although they are not directly involved with physically moving your goods from one location to another, they are responsible for arranging transport and the goods themselves.

Freight Forwarder Benefits

There are many benefits to using a freight forwarder for all your international shipping needs. As mentioned earlier, freight forwarding is a feature-rich total solution. The advantages of a freight forwarding service include:

  1. Accuracy & Flexibility: Importing goods is a detailed and tricky business to navigate that needs document filing, incoterms ® negotiations, and the flexibility to work around your schedule, all made possible by a freight forwarder. 
  1. Speed & Reliability: Organizing the pickup and delivery of freight through multiple points in the journey of your goods is what freight forwarders excel at in the shipping industry.
  1. Inventory & Warehousing: Inventory management and cargo storage are essential aspects of shipping, especially in the realm of international shipping. Freight forwarders are detail oriented and can facilitate the shipment of your cargo or store it safely.
  1. Advanced Technologies: Through the use of advanced technologies in real-time tracking and inventory management, customers have complete transparency and real-time updates.
  1. Pricing Strategies: Business partnerships are where forwarders excel. Through negotiations, forwarders can leverage their business muscle with carriers due to the amount of business they drive for them annually.
  1. Security Services: Through the use of digital tracking, real-time identification, and meticulous handling, the security of your goods is always forefront. Using the best tools and equipment in the industry helps ensure your goods arrive safely and intact.

What exactly does this mean, you might ask? To put things into a broader perspective, using a freight forwarding solution eliminates your need to deal with the complexities of importing goods. The forwarder will quite literally handle every aspect of the shipment for you. They can even use air freight consolidation to combine multiple shipments into one.

The clever play is spending less time on the incidentals and more on your business. This statement is how freight forwarding should be viewed as an easy solution that removes the headache of international importing.

Need to ship freight by air? Learn more about air freight forwarders.

NVOCC vs Freight Forwarder Confusion

Confusion at the port

When looking at these two OTIs, one could definitely be confused about how they operate and function, what sets them apart, and which would facilitate your needs. These questions might seem simple. 

However, each individual’s needs and scenario differ, including the variables that pop up during shipping. Here are a few examples of similarities and differences that can help paint a general picture of NVOCC vs freight forwarding.


  • Improved rates for shippers
  • Flexible capacity planning
  • Global network of partners
  • Discounted shipping rates


  • Transportation services
  • Available warehousing
  • Followthrough service
  • Document filing

In simple terms, one is a partial solution, and the other is a complete solution for importing. It is imperative to understand that these two services function similarly and differently.

Some businesses may already have certain aspects of their international shipping in place, while others do not have those details figured out. Others might just be new to the process or have limited experience in dealing with customs clearance and shipping.

Whatever your case may be, both options have their merits for any situation. However, freight forwarding is the more logical choice regarding the shipment of goods because it is a more complete and well-rounded solution that effectively puts your shipping needs on cruise control.

USA Freight Forwarding Services Your Complete Solution

In the world of international shipping, you never want to go in alone, regardless of your personal experience. USA Freight Forwarding Services is ready to be your trusted partner in global transportation.

Our primary mission is to provide industry-leading service, support, and reliability. Our team of knowledgeable and dedicated consultants can get you importing with ease right away! Our services offer an unmatched white glove experience.

Regardless of what type of freight you’re shipping, we can offer the following services:

Call us anytime at (866) 941-8081, or click here to speak with a consultant and start the importing process today!

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