Container Shipping Volumes: Analyzing Market Trends

A congested container port with a cargo ship that just docked
When using international ocean transport, it helps to know about container shipping volumes. We’ve got an assortment of statistics and figures that will help you understand the state of the market.
By  Jacob Lee
Published Date:March 28, 2024

Key takeaways:

  • The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) predicts a 3 percent increase in container shipping volume in 2024
  • BIMCO projects container volume will increase by 4 percent in 2025
  • Projected container capacity growth for the global fleet is 3.1 million Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) during 2024

Container Shipping Volume Statistics

The global economy has a large impact on cargo container shipping volumes. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), world gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow by 2.9 percent in 2024 and 3.2 percent in 2025. Additional IMF data also indicates projected GDP growth of specific regions.

GDP Growth for Different Regions of the World

RegionGrowth for 2024Growth for 2025
East & Southeast Asia3.8 Percent3.8 Percent
Europe & Mediterranean1.8 Percent2.3 Percent
North America1.6 Percent1.8 Percent
Indian Sub Cont & Middle East5.2 Percent5.4 Percent
South & Central America2.4 Percent2.7 Percent

Provided by IMF via BIMCO 

While the level of growth for East & Southeast Asia are expected to stay the same, there will be a gradual rise in GDP for other regions. The expansion of these economies results in increased global trade, which means more containers are being put to use.

Before getting into the growth of containerized shipping, it’s important to understand the difference between head-haul and regional trade. Head-haul refers to a primary trade lane that carriers use due to its revenue-generating potential, while regional trade lanes refer to cargo traveling within specific geographic areas. 

BIMCO has accumulated container shipping statistics that project a growth in volume for these lanes. 

  • A projected increase of 3 and 4 percent in global container volume is expected for 2024 and 2025 respectively
  • Head-haul & regional trades are expected to grow by 3.5 percent in 2024
  • Head-haul & regional trades are expected to grow by 4 percent in 2025
  • Projected growth for all other trade lanes will be 3.5 percent in 2024 and 2025

As with the growth of global GDP, container volumes are projected to gradually rise during this year and the next.

Our article will teach you about the different types of ocean containers and the kind of cargo they can carry.  

An aerial view of a container port at night

Container Port Terminals and Their Capacity

Ports are just as important as vessels when it comes to ocean shipping. Container terminals are differentiated by the average capacity they can handle in a year. This is typically measured in TEU (20 foot equivalent units) containers.

  • Small — Less than 300k TEU
  • Medium — 300 TEU to 1m TEU
  • Large — 1m TEU to 5m TEU
  • Mega — more than 5m TEU

We’ve provided shipping container statistics for ports based on size. While mega ports end up impacting global trade on a larger scale, the large number of smaller ports shouldn’t be discounted when planning routes.    

Number of Container Terminals Based on Size (2022)

Type of PortNumber of Ports
Small — Less than 300k TEU598
Medium — 300 TEU to 1m TEU339
Large — 1m TEU to 5m TEU171
Mega — more than 5m TEU17

Provided by Statista

The high volume of container freight necessitates the use of container ports of varying sizes around the world. That said, certain terminals process more throughput than others. 

Throughput refers to the amount of cargo that a port processes. We’ve included a list of the top ports in the world based on the amount of freight they handle. 

10 Largest Container Ports Worldwide Based On Throughput (in Million TEUs)

PortAmount of Cargo Processed
Los Angeles/Long Beach19.04
Hong Kong16.58

Provided by Statista

Many of these ports are located in China. The country is home to a large manufacturing sector that provides products to businesses around the world. The high volume of goods leaving China contribute to massive amounts of throughput. 

Growth of Container Fleet Capacity

Despite there being a record increase of TEU capacity in 2023, BIMCO predicts this record will be beaten in 2024.

  • Shipyards delivered 350 new container ships with a combined capacity of 2.2 million TEU in 2023, beating 2015’s record of 1.7 million TEU.
  • For 2024, shipyards are scheduled to delivery 478 container ships, which will increase TEU capacity by 3.1 million
  • If this many vessels are delivered in 2024, container fleet capacity will increase by 10 percent
  • Another 3 million worth of TEUs is expected to be delivered between 2025-2026

BIMCO notes that ship recycling will increase in 2024, but they don’t specify by how much. That said, BIMCO still estimates a growth of 2.8 million TEU capacity when recycling is factored in. 

Ship recycling is when vessels are dismantled at the end of their operational life. The extracted parts are reused or turned into raw materials. 

Learn about the types of container ships that are used to transport freight all over the world. 

Flow of Container Freight By Trade Route

Containers travel all over the world on various trade routes. Three in particular are extremely popular pathways. Consider the  data on the amount of containerized cargo that’s transported on these routes. 

Containerized Cargo Flow By Trade Route, 2022 (In Million TEU)

Trade RouteAmount of Containerized Cargo 
Trans-Pacific32.7 Million
Europe-Asia-Europe26.3 Million
Atlantic Route8.9 Million

Provided by Statista

The Trans-Pacific trade route connects the Americas, Oceania, and Asia. As the data shows, this trade route carries the largest amount of cargo in terms of load size. Many countries in these regions are part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which helps explain why the route is used so frequently. 

Europe and Central Asia have an extremely strong trade relationship. In 2021, the European Union (EU) accounted for 23.6 percent of combined foreign trade for countries in Central Asia.   

The Atlantic Route is frequently used to send goods between countries in North and South America and the EU. Nations in these continents have relatively positive trade relations. 

Due to large amounts of freight traveling across the ocean, the need for container ship space has risen. Between the 2021 and 2022, there was an increase in the deployment of container ship capacity for certain shipping lanes. 

Container Ship Capacity Deployment Increase 2021–2022 (In Million TEUs)

Lanes2021 Capacity2022 Capacity
Asia — North America4.15 Million5.45 Million
Asia — Europe4.9 Million5.4 Million
Latin America2.9 Million3.1 Million
Middle East/ISC2.85 Million2.9 Million

Provided by Statista

The deployment of container ship capacity refers to the allocation of vessels to specific routes. Data reflected in the table shows the Asia-North America and Asia-Europe lanes that saw the largest increase. Considering the load sizes transported on the Trans-Pacific and Europe-Asia-Europe routes, it’s no surprise the Asia-North America and Asia-Europe lanes saw the largest increase.  

Cranes placing containers onboard a container ship late in the day

Container Shipping Market Overview & Outlook

Shipping cargo in containers overseas is projected to grow in the years to come. As a result, this market will earn more revenue with each successive year. 

Projected Growth of the Global Shipping Container Market (2024-2028)

YearProjected Growth
2024$10.9 Billion
2025$11.3 Billion
2026$12.65 Billion
2027$14.17 Billion
2028$15.87 Billion

Provided by Statista

Rather than a sudden increase, the data shows a steady growth of revenue for the global shipping container market. Unless another global event like COVID-19 were to occur, this projection is likely to stay the same or increase. 

Not sold on vessel shipping? Read our article on ocean freight advantages to learn about the benefits of using this method of transporting goods. 

Get Your Containers Sailing with USA Freight Forwarding

Shipping containerized freight requires a good deal of coordination. Fortunately, USA Freight Forwarding can handle all of these responsibilities. With our ocean freight shipping services, we’ll handle all the preparations that need to be made for your cargo to travel to another country. 

Other services we use include:

  • International air shipping: If you need to move a small quantity of goods in a short span of time, then we can schedule an international air shipment for you.
  • Consulting: Meet with one of our freight forwarding experts and get the rundown on what you need to know when shipping goods internationally.

When you choose USA Freight Forwarding, your shipping experience will be a breeze. If you’re ready to get started, then contact our team at (866) 941-8081. You can also begin using one of our premier services by contacting us through our site

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Statista, Number of Sea Terminals In 2022, by Size, 2024

Statista, Deployment of Container Ship Capacity Worldwide January 2021 to January 2022, 2024

Statista, Estimated Containerized Cargo Flows On Major Trade Routes In 2022, 2024

Statista, The Largest Container Ports Worldwide In 2022, Based On Throughput, 2024

Statista, Projected Size of the Global Shipping Container Market 2020-2028, 2024

Niels Rasmussen, Record Deliveries Could Push Container Fleet Above 30 Million TEU in 2024, 2024

Niels Rasmussen, Container Shipping Market Overview & Outlook Q4 2023, 2023

Europa, EU Trade Relations with Central Asia, 2022

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